Gert Behiels

Profile - Curriculum Vitae


DR Roadmap


Identify opportunities for Agfa to improve its portfolio within Direct Radiography.


Together with application and marketing, we contacted several radiographers and radiologists and interviewed them for their opinion on features, future vision, possible improvements and new technology.


The result was a roadmap where key topics were identified:

This was the beginning of the development of


Innovation Manager, Software Architect, Team Lead

Full Leg Full Spine

Automatic image stitching of DR images.


Develop a method for FLFS (Full Leg Full Spine) imaging for DR images with similar quality requirements as the one-shot CR FLFS.


I developed the interface to the modality, the module computing the optimal position of the images while keeping the X-ray source stable and the image processing module which stitches the images and detects possible patient movement during the acquisition. Because the old C R stitch grid, could not be used, I developed a new stitch grid which was enabled the correction of the patient movement and which was less disturbing for the radiologist. With the mechanical team in Munich, I co-designed a patient stand which ensures that the patient could stand still and protected the patient from the moving parts of the modality.


A new stitch grid, a new patient stand and new, more robust algorithms were designed, implemented and validated.


Project Lead, Software Developer